Beach Way & Gambier Drive,
Freeport, Grand Bahama,
TEL: 242-441-1935

During the early nineteen hundreds the ladies of the Freeport S.D.A. Church were active in feeding the less fortunate people in their own small way at a Goodwill Fair, which would be hosted once a year, during the Thanksgiving period. Elder Benjamin Sands, a Chief Road Traffic, Law Enforcement Officer by profession, saw a vision from God that spoke to his heart and matched the natural nurturing nature he possessed as he daily took care of the less fortune and the elderly in the community. In his vision he saw a center where a gretaer good could be attained in feeding and clothing the needy people on a daily basis. Elder Sands saw the church to not be the sole place for leading the community at its doors but rather servants of God all over following his lead, by being the hands of God extended to the community on a daily basis. ' He saw in this vision, to construct a distribution center that would create positive value to the lives in the community around him, not knowing this vision would also result in further changing the lives of persons on the entire island. Once the vision was brought by him to Pastor Keith A. Albury, a visionary leader, who sanctioned the project and gave his approval, Elder Sands then went into the community with his master fund raising talent and raised all the capital needed to construct what is now known as the remarkable Evangeline Jervis Community Service Distribution Center. Sister Evangeline Jervis , a mother and grandmother to everyone in her church and home community was seen as a legend, a modern day Dorcas in her community and as a former leader in the church Elder Sands saw her work and dedication firsthand and was inspired by her mission in helping and taking care of the less fortunate thus he saw it only fitting to recommend this center be named In her honor. The members of the church and our corporate community donated many items including construction supplies and free labor etc. and the project took approximately 2 years to complete and the building was officially dedicated and opened to serve the general public. With the ongoing success of the center, we now see, post Hurricane Dorian in 2019, the need to expand our services to meet the present needs in our community. During the hurricane we experienced devastating loss of homes, church buildings, halls and public buildings in the community hence the need to construct a proper Hurricane Shelter and Soup Kitchen. We are now seeking assistance from the community to help in constructing a much needed hurricane shelter which will assist in housing during a hurricane and the building will also serve as a Soup Kitchen, serving hot meals five days per week, free of charge, to persons in need of the services. Thank you in advance for donating to this worthy cause.
Evangeline Jervis (nee Major) was born in Tarpum Bay Eleuthera on September 10, 1931. She was the second of five children of Oral and Dolly Major. While vacationing in Eleuthera, Hubert Jervis met Evangeline and it was love at first sight. A year later Vangie, as she was affectionately called, moved to Nassau and she and Hubert were married April 1949. They are parents of eleven children six boys and five girls. In 1965 The entire family relocated to Grand Bahama. Mrs. Jervis was a kind, caring, thoughtful woman She always had a big smile on her face. When meeting her you were guaranteed to receive a warm hug and a big kiss. She was definitely known for her kisses. Despite having eleven children of her own, there was always room for one more. There was always someone living with her other than her children. She loved people and always wanted to help. She would give her last to the stranger on the street because she truly believed that God would provide. Mrs. Jervis joined the Seventh-Day Adventist church in1966. She probably served in every department available to women in those days. Her love for people and her desire to assist the less fortunate made the community service department, known as “Dorcas,” in those days a perfect fit for her. She along with her team would visit the sick and shut in, clean homes, and do whatever needed to be done to alleviate someone’s burdens. She was best known as an excellent cook and boy; did she know how to feed a crowd. Her home in Hawksbill was a mini soup kitchen. Many people in the church and the community could testify that they had a meal or two from Sis Jervis’ kitchen. She loved the Lord, and her life was her testimony. Even after she was stricken with Alzheimer’s disease her greatest desire was to go to church. So, every morning she got ready for church not knowing what day it was. In recognition of her life’s ministry, the community service center was named in her honor. If she was alive, I can assure you that she would find it a joy to work in this center as God’s hands extended to the community.
The EJCSDC is a unique facility because it is a full-time Relief Center on the island of Grand Bahama. We operate 4 days a week and 52 weeks per year. The operation requires a minimum of two full time people and one part-time person however, we currently rely heavily on volunteers. On January 11th, 2009, the Center was dedicated, and we have been servicing the community ever since. Our current facility is completely dedicated to supporting and aiding the community. It is a witness of our belief that Christ wants us to love and care for all people. We believe that addressing the physical needs of our brothers and sisters is more important than teaching and preaching. We render services to everyone, as Christ Himself would have done.
The Evangeline Jervis Community Service Distribution Center is now an official Non-profit organization as of January 26, 2021.
We have been serving the island of Grand Bahama for the past 12 years without the non-profit status. Providing food packages, clothing, toiletries, and other necessities daily to the communities of Grand Bahama. Subsequently, we are excited about the possibility of receiving desperately needed financial assistance for our current operations and the construction of a Hurricane Shelter and soup kitchen.
The Category 5 Hurricane Dorian magnified the necessity of a functioning Hurricane Shelter on the island, and it is our goal to provide this facility.
Our mission is to service our community by providing basic needs such as food, toiletries, clothing, and shelter during a hurricane. We are grateful for any and all assistance received and believe that our job is to ensure that everything given to us for the community reaches the community in a timely manner, especially during hurricane relief mode and we will be in hurricane relief mode for a few years. All donations to assist with this mission are welcomed.
Beach Way & Gambier Drive,
Freeport, Grand Bahama,
TEL: 242-441-1935